Thursday, January 31, 2008

Theoretical perspective

After reading the chapter I was quit in aw. I mean the whole time I could not belive that most of what I was reading was new to me. I like the fact that I do not know a lot of this subject. I wanted to learn more of familys in different situations and the different racies how they dealt with family sistuations. All cultures and racies are different and taught differently. With the theoretical perspectives the one I understode the most would be the developmental theory. The whole thing about the stages of marriage and family was quite clear and very right. I mean there might be somethings in the middle that are missing but mainly very true. The theoretical perspective that I understood the least would be the conflict theory. I do not think that the social structure and institutions in socieity are the only ways to get conflict in a family and marriage. I believe there are more then two ways to get conflict. But maybe it is someones perspective and not more then one persons perspective on the conflict theory. Over all the other theorys such as; functional theory, symbolic interaction theory, and family systems theory are all pretty self explanitory.