Friday, July 4, 2008

Advice to a friend!!! Week 2, Human Dev.

Well I would have to tell them that the need to look at there genetics on both sides of the family such as; hair color, eye color, health problems such as; cancer, HIV, AIDS, deaths, alcoholism, birth defects, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mental retardation. There are many things advantages of parenthood such as; the affection given and received, stimulation from your child, learning opportunities, experiencing growth, having someone to look after you as you get older, and having someone carry your genes once you are gone. Some disadvantages are; being ties down constantly, financial strain, family versus work, worrying about your child's health, safety and well being, less privacy, and no time for you and your spouse for alone time. The way your child is created is; if you are ovulating which means that the egg drops from your ovary's to your fallopian tube, then once the sperm is released from your husband they will travel up and hopefully fertilize your egg and if you are really lucky it will implant in you uterus. Conception is a three day process, the most changes are in the first 38 weeks. Pregnancy is a very wonderful experience and every women is different of what they go through. The chromosome pairs seperate into different cells, but chance determines which member of each pair will gather from other chromosomes and end up in the same gamete. In conclusion each chromosome discards its partner and becomes part of gamere containing no more than 23 chromosomes as a replacement for the normal 46 chromosomes. A sex chromosomes in females is XX and in males is XY. The female contributes an X and the male either contributes a X or an Y which your husbands contribution will determin if it will be a boy XY or girl XX.