Thursday, February 14, 2008

week four

I believe the valentines day is just another holiday to get people to spend money on one another. My husband and I do not have any traditions for valentines day we have tried to get a romantic night out or in but something always pops up like work or a deployment. Yes, I remember valentines day in elementry school. Thoose were the good old days. I mean during that day we wold have a party and exchange valentines presents.
I do think it is good practice for children. Even though, I believe the time that counts to get valentines is all through your life, because if you stop others will stop caring as well. I believe practice teaches us about love by showing others you care and other people care for you as well. It is not just about acceptence but showing people your true feelings whether it just be a friend, lover, mom, dad, or sibling its the thought that counts. I
I mean it is a great feeling when one day out of the whole year comes around and you can express your true feelings without being judged. I do not feel any pressure on this holiday because I know the people around me on the day know how I care about them, because I express it to them everyday. It is not like when I was back in high school and the coolest person got the most valentines presents. I like when you grow up!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that V-Day is just a day to get people to spend money on eachother. I spent $8- and baked cupcakes and cookies. It's the thought, I guess.