Friday, July 11, 2008

Sensitive periods in Brain development!! HD9

The sensitive periods of brain development is so important because and environmentof early childhood effects the overall brain growth. All infants should not be deprived of normal nurture experiences and stimulation that can shock their brains and competencies. The longer a person waits to have surgery on their infants clouded lenses the more it effects the infants recovery of visual skills. There are also studies that if a infant is placed in an orphanage they are later exposed to ordinary family background verify the greatness of stimulation physically and their social environment in many territory's. Some children or infants that are adopted shortly after birth can develop extreme stress, this can concentrate a stress hormone called cortisol in their saliva- this can further effect the child by an illness, retarded physical growth, behavior problems, and even attention, control of anger and maybe even other impulses. Usually a child that spends more time in an orphanage the higher level their cortisol level can get- it can also acure six and a half year after adoption. Rushing early learning on to your child can damage or harm the brain by overwhelming its neural circuits, so if you reduce a child's or infants brain sensitivity to everyday live, activity's, family, friends, opportunity's, and experiences that it needs for a vigorous beginning to existence.

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