Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 5: Self Esteem!!!

There are four different self esteems that children have at age eight they are; academic competence, social competence, physical and athletic competence, and physical appearance. Some of the influences on a child's self esteem are; culture, child rearing, achievement-related attributions, influences on achievement-related attributions, and promoting mastery-oriented attributions. People that have high self esteem tend to be well adjusted, but the people that have low self esteem tent to have anxiety, depression, and antisocial behavior.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Week 4: Supporting Literacy and Math development!!

There are many things you can do to support your child's development in literacy and math. Mathematical inference just like literacy helps build on naive awareness. When your child reaches 14 and 16 months old, toddlers show an understanding about ordinality. By age three in a half to four, maximum children can count all the way up to ten, and in the right order and the meaning of the numbers, they also grasp the meaning of cardinality. To help your child with math I would suggest to get food and count out each one by separating them into piles. You can also count out each bite he or she takes, count how many fingers and toes he or she has, give the child a book that has numbers in it and tells a story as you go. There are many ways to help your child in math it depends on you and your child and how they are able to learn. To support your child's development in early child literacy you should; provide literacy-rich home and preschool environment, engage in interactive book reading, provide outings to libraries, museums, Parks, zoos, and other group and education settings, point out letters, sound resemblance, play a rhyming and other language sound-games, also read rhyming poems and stories, recommend that the children writes, most of all the narrative products, and model literacy activity's. Because above time children's language and literacy advance simplify on another.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sensitive periods in Brain development!! HD9

The sensitive periods of brain development is so important because and environmentof early childhood effects the overall brain growth. All infants should not be deprived of normal nurture experiences and stimulation that can shock their brains and competencies. The longer a person waits to have surgery on their infants clouded lenses the more it effects the infants recovery of visual skills. There are also studies that if a infant is placed in an orphanage they are later exposed to ordinary family background verify the greatness of stimulation physically and their social environment in many territory's. Some children or infants that are adopted shortly after birth can develop extreme stress, this can concentrate a stress hormone called cortisol in their saliva- this can further effect the child by an illness, retarded physical growth, behavior problems, and even attention, control of anger and maybe even other impulses. Usually a child that spends more time in an orphanage the higher level their cortisol level can get- it can also acure six and a half year after adoption. Rushing early learning on to your child can damage or harm the brain by overwhelming its neural circuits, so if you reduce a child's or infants brain sensitivity to everyday live, activity's, family, friends, opportunity's, and experiences that it needs for a vigorous beginning to existence.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Advice to a friend!!! Week 2, Human Dev.

Well I would have to tell them that the need to look at there genetics on both sides of the family such as; hair color, eye color, health problems such as; cancer, HIV, AIDS, deaths, alcoholism, birth defects, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mental retardation. There are many things advantages of parenthood such as; the affection given and received, stimulation from your child, learning opportunities, experiencing growth, having someone to look after you as you get older, and having someone carry your genes once you are gone. Some disadvantages are; being ties down constantly, financial strain, family versus work, worrying about your child's health, safety and well being, less privacy, and no time for you and your spouse for alone time. The way your child is created is; if you are ovulating which means that the egg drops from your ovary's to your fallopian tube, then once the sperm is released from your husband they will travel up and hopefully fertilize your egg and if you are really lucky it will implant in you uterus. Conception is a three day process, the most changes are in the first 38 weeks. Pregnancy is a very wonderful experience and every women is different of what they go through. The chromosome pairs seperate into different cells, but chance determines which member of each pair will gather from other chromosomes and end up in the same gamete. In conclusion each chromosome discards its partner and becomes part of gamere containing no more than 23 chromosomes as a replacement for the normal 46 chromosomes. A sex chromosomes in females is XX and in males is XY. The female contributes an X and the male either contributes a X or an Y which your husbands contribution will determin if it will be a boy XY or girl XX.

Friday, May 2, 2008

week 16!!!

I actually enjoyed the whole class. Everything we went over was very interesting and I think most of the stuff I will never forget. I am going to take more Human Development classes and even some sociology classes. I think the advice I would have to tell a future student is for the quizes and exams you have to study, you need to read, and you need to take notes. When the test comes up actually use your notes, lecture, book, and everything else given during class. Print out everything, it may be a waist of paper, but it helps in a long run. A good teacher also is in need to make a good class, and I believe Mrs. Seeley is a winner. Hope you enjoyed the class as much as I did. Have a good summer, hope to see you all in another online class.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


(a.) What is the “sandwich generation??” What are some of the challenges that people of this generation face?? Is the empty nest stage more of a myth or a reality for many middle aged parents??
A sandwich generation is when middle aged adults have pressure on themselves of the responsibilities for their children and their elderly relatives. The challenges one might face in a sandwich generation is they must meet the challenges of their own life, dealing with their own aging, and dealing with their retirement coming up. But because of the economy more parents have to support their children and their elderly relatives. They are more likely going to handle not only their finance but their children’s and their elderly parents. Yes, the empty nest stage is just a myth more then reality for more and more of middle-aged parents. According to a recent study 44% of adults in the range of 45 and 55 find themselves still supporting their children as well as their aging relatives. Which does not leave our life’s with much of an exploration time till we die. I do not like the sound of that, if our lives are pretty much over when our parents get to old to take care of themselves and it is too expensive for our children to go and live on their own. What is our future like? It definitely will not be the time to go and explore the world, have time to ourselves, and just to buy something on an occasion. When will the economy realize what the people has done to it and change its bad habits?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Week 14!!!!

How do second marriages compare to first marriages?? Discuss courtship patterns, gender differences, preparation, motivation, and stability in re-marriage.
There really is no difference of a first marriage and a second marriage. The things that might effect a second marriage are; prior children; so then you have pay child support; prior spouses; alimony to the prior spouse if they did not have children; and step children rivalry. There are so many more effects to the second marriage by the first marriage.
Courtship patterns may be harder the second time around because you are out of practice and you may have children and they could effect how you choose who you are courting. Gender makes a difference when it comes to how soon they start dating and how many persons they are courting. Usually men court more women then when a woman is courting she only commits to one man. Also gender makes a difference when it comes to having relations. There may be questions if a second marriage will be stable for the rest of their life or it will fail like the first one did.
Motivation to find someone new after getting divorced would be so they would not feel so lonely and would find someone to be sexual with again. Preparation would be to warn your children of what is going on and also to make sure you have all the essentials for your dates to come. A divorce is hard and finding a new someone is even harder because you do not want to fail again.