Thursday, February 7, 2008


There are many toys in the world today that can be versatile to both “female” and “male”. I mean there are certain ways to play with other genders toys. For example: say you are playing with your younger brother with JI Joe and you have your Barbie dolls. There is roll playing going on. If a little boy does not have a sibling to role play with toys he is stuck doing it himself. Once you get older there are things to keep separately such as sports. For example: football and cheerleading. But other then that both genders in a certain degree can do whatever there mind takes them.
With house work and raising children it should be an equal task. So it teaches your children there is no right or wrong thing a man or women can or cannot do. Teach them that what ever they want to do they can do it. You should not hold them back in any way. I mean otherwise you may be teaching your children the wrong thing. The world is evolving and it should evolve in a good way, not back to when the men are greater then women. (Or so they thought.) The women can do whatever a man can do such as; go to war, shoot a gun, work, manage workers, and many other things.
It is a good thing that women are finally getting noticed for all the things we can do. I still believe there are some men that need a reality check but it will happen when a woman becomes president or they have a women boss. There are something’s that have changed the transsexuals, hermaphrodites, can now have surgery to fix there appearance to what they want thanks to plastic surgery.

What I consider “female” is feminine, sweet, polite, well mannered, care giver, loving, organized, creative, politically educated, compulsive, sensitive, independent, assertive, competitive, and educated. What I consider “male” is pig like, masculine, hairy, loves alcohol, manly, strong, educated, macho, authoritive, self discipline, think of themselves as a leader, athletic, creative, and horney. My view of gender has changed due to the fact the world is changing due to the fact the world is changing. I have also experienced the military and it helped me understand and appreciate a lot of things I did not when I was younger. I do not have a problem with today’s view on gender because it is becoming more equal then what it was.


Janae Stubblefield said...

I enjoyed reading your list of what traits you thought were feminine and masculine. Very honest answers some of them were! Do you think after being in the military, those views changed for you?

Amanda Ridgway said...

That just made my day! I loved reading your description of males and females, I read the male description to my boyfriend and he said that it was perfect and you should think of writing books. haha. :>

Johnny Johnson said...

Your thoughts on toys hits the spot. I think children use the toys to their imagination and if a boy wants to play with a Barbie doll it shows he hasn't been influenced or affected about society's opinion on girl/boy toys. Girls can definitely do the military, and each boy/girl must prove themselves for special forces.